Tu 11/30/10:
Thought I might share when I'll be going to do my classes....
I begin the 5-ish week class Mon Jan 17th 2011.
The classes take 5 weeks, then I have to take the exam with an FAA person, thus the "-ish".
I'll be heading out to Denver CO the 1st week of January.
I'll be driving my car since I need one all the time I'm out there.
I have a contract position to do for a week while I'm there (more about that as it happens).
I'm fortunate that 2 of my children and their spouses live in there ... my son in Denver and my daughter in Ft Collins. I'm blessed that I'll have family nearby thruout. My son and daughter-in-law have given me the green light to stay with them ! Thank you !!
I've gotten some emails from persons who have taken this course with Jeppesen and at other schools ... they all tell me its hard and they all have been very kind in telling me I'll do well.
Its been about 5000 years since I've been to school, so I've already begun my brain warmup. I've watched a borrowed Jeppesen training video on Approach, Enroute, Departure and Arrival charts for the 1st time and plan on watching it ~ 500 times. I've also started reading the Weight and Balance section of "The Pilots Encyclopedia of Aeronautical Knowledge" (TPEoAK).
Going well so far !!!!!
good luck!! neat that you get to spend some time with JD/Kate, Abe/Ryan/G